What’s up? – from Naturist Association Thailand November 2015
Dear Naturist,
You receive this newsletter because you have signed up as a Member on www.thailandnaturist.com. Thank you! And Welcome if this is your first email from us!
New naturist friendly resort:
Thai-bamboo Guesthouse in Cha-am
Thai-bamboo Guesthouse is a naturist friendly paradise in Cha-Am / Hua Hin. The resort offers four European quality bungalows in a spacious green garden. They are extremely comfortable and enjoy quality fittings to an international standard. A minimum of 15 meters between bungalows provides your holiday home with plenty of privacy! Two of the bungalows…
Link to other naturist friendly resorts
► Oriental Village, Chiangmai
► Phuket Nature Adventures
Past Event Report:
Nude weekend at Ao Nuan on Koh Samet
Note: This article can only be read by Ordinary or Premium members.
This trip was the FIRST EVER trip organized by Naturist Association Thailand to stay at a beach resort which we had rented for a private weekend. As it turned out, several visitors straying in from neighboring Tub Tim beach to our Ao Nuan beach were delighted to be able to join in and also get to…
Past Event Report:
Relaxing day @ our nude beach
Note: This article can only be read by Ordinary or Premium members.
A great bunch of 8 savvy naturists met up at the beach strip next to Bali Hai pier on Sunday morning 13 September - complete with lunch boxes, cold beer, cold water, sun lotion and god spirit - ready to go out and sopend the day nude on our special island. The waves were quite rough on…
Facebook censorship of naturism photos
Naturists world wide are worried about the censorship their event images are subject to on Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus and other social media.
In the October 2015 issue of the INF members newsletter, FOCUS, Christoph Müller (Familien-Sport-Gemeinschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen) writes a summary of the position of the President of the INF-NFI on the issue.
"On one hand, naturists should raise their voice when their own philosophy of life is being faced by sexualisation. On the other hand naturists should endeavour to encounter Facebook, Instagram and Google Plus, who increasingly are censoring naturist photographs, by seriousness and creativity" he sums up the stand point of the President.
That means that 1. naturists should be serious about their duty to inform also visually about the pleasures of being nude without sexualisation of the nude body, and 2. naturists should be creative in posting images, that communicate the point without being removed by the censorship.
Naturist Association Thailand (NAT) became on 1 September 2015 a member of the International Naturist Federation (INF).
New INF Passports available for members
Paying members of Naturist Association Thailand - category "Ordinary:" and "Premium" - are entitled to an INF Passport. The folded paper passport has the size of a credit card and is evidence of the persons membership of Naturist Association Thailand.
Traveling in Europe, your INF-NFI Passport will identify you as a member of NAT when checking into naturist clubs and camping sites. As a NAT member, we vouch for you to be a "genuine naturist" with a clear understanding of basic naturist etiquette. Your INF Passport will often entitle you to a discount or other benefit as well.
In Thailand, the current naturist resorts appreciate members registering with NAT and NAT's efforts in screening out people who confuse narturism with sex entertainment, but presentation of a valid INF-NAT Passport is not yet a requirement at any of the resorts. Obviously, members would appreciate if resorts in Thailand would give them any benefits when showing the card!
To find out your level of membership and if you are entitled to a card, you can visit the welcome page on the website CLICK HERE to see. You may have to log in first to see your level. If you want to receive the passport, please request it to be mailed to you by emailing [email protected] including your postal address.
News worth sharing
The following headlines were posted on www.thailandnaturist.com during the past month. Follow the links and you will understand why we find each of them worth sharing. And remember - it is your PRIVILEGE as a member that YOU CAN COMMENT on these news and blog posts!
- Nude yoga Melbourne: Stacey June tests naked exercise trend
- Naturist Association Thailand launches paid membership
- Naturist Association Thailand now accredited by INF-FNI
- Naturists in 1931 in Thailand
- Why can’t we stay naked? | Society | Times Crest
- Gender Balance in Naturism | Female Naturist
- How Painted Boobs Are Threatening NYC
- Why I’m Burning My Bikini Top | Immodest proposal | OZY
- How to Be Naked in Public – The New York Times
- Women in Naturism – Resources & Info – All-Nudist.com
- FAQ by WOMEN for WOMEN | Female Naturist
Tell us where you have been nude in Thailand
One of the main values of being a member of Naturist Association Thailand is to be able to exchange information with other members of good places to be nude. In particular places that you have yourself visited and enjoyed and can recommend other members.
These places are either places where nudity is not specifically allowed, but where you may still be nude because nobody would come by and see you. An example could be a river bank upcountry or a small trail in a forest. Please share with us these places in order for us to share it with other members in an appropriate way.
The other kind of places are spas or resort, where the management allows or tolerates nudity for instance in certain areas like topless sunbathing or even a secluded area for full nudity. If you come across such businesses, please urgently share their name and location with us - then we will contact the place. We are constantly looking for spas and resorts, where a naturist friendly profile can be a profitable benefit for the owner and a new opportunity for traveling naturist members or incoming naturist from other countries.
The management of Naturist Association Thailand or designated representatives would then schedule a visit to the spa or resort and discuss with the management if we can officially announce them "Naturist Friendly".
When it comes to being nude at informal places, please note that if somebody should incidentally pass by, you MUST IMMEDIATELY put on your clothes again or otherwise cover up yourself fully. By doing so in a graceful way you demonstrate politely that you did not intend to expose yourself in a way that could be deemed indecent. Your gesture will no doubt be rewarded with a big smile by the people passing by (- even though they would most likely never have reported you to the police anyway if you had remained naked).
Covering up not only demonstrates your respect for others, their culture and their values - it also protects naturism in Thailand from bad news caused by your possible misbehavior.