We’re rolling out NATCoins!

NATCoins is a virtual currency used among members of Naturist Association Thailand. You can earn NATCoins mainly as a reward for helping to expand naturism to include more members. A member, that encourages another person to join Naturist Association Thailand, will earn NATCoins when the other person joins as a member. How? Click here.

It is also earned among existing members by making it more fun to be a member. Members earn points for uploading photos, for making new friends, and other social activities in the social media of the website www.ThailandNaturist.com

Resorts associated with Naturist Association Thailand also reward guests for certain actions like e.g. being a repeat visitor or settling your bill in NATCoins fully or partially. Is is completely up to them how they want to play with their NATCoins.

Although it is a virtual currency, a NATCoin has actually real monetary value. 1 NATCoin = 1 Thai Baht. The central bank is Naturist Association Thailand Co., Ltd.

NATCoins are spent at resorts associated with Naturist Association Thailand only or as payment for the annual member fee. They may also be sold to other members.

Members may top up their account by purchasing additional NATCoins in their account from Naturist Association Thailand.

Next: Show me my NATCoins account.


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  1. Good job with the Natcoin Design..has the ‘Treasure of the Ocean’ feel to it.
    Keeping the currency denomination as 1 NAT could be brilliantly expressive as a symbol of unity, while the flip side reinforce this idea, with a gaze and a walk to a sun filled and fulfilled horizon.
    As I said… Brilliant.