World Naked Kitchen Day Concept among Other Events in Naturism Worldwide
By Chew Tok Hwa
There are four main international significant days that naturists around the world celebrate them with joys throughout the year. All ideas of them aim the important truth to bring acceptance of any form of human body in the society. The new idea of creating World Naked Kitchen Day has come out from the same objective.

For thousands of years, nakedness has been associated with indecency in most countries. To break the myth naturist societies have been set up in more than 35 countries for decades. They have created international events annually to draw the public eyes and promote body positivity. Being naked is associated with a sense of freedom and well-beings.
World Naked Gardening day falls on the first Saturday in May since 2005. The idea came from individuals – Mark Storey, Jacob Gabriel and Liz Miller and organized by Body Freedom Collaborative in Seattle. The idea is to get the world’s garden healthier and more attractive with the relation to the natural environment and a wholesome sense of body acceptance.
The founder of World Naked Bike Ride was a Canadian named Conrad Schmidt. The event has been drawing international naturists basically from European countries since 2004 in summer. Thousands of cyclists ride on butt with painted body or fancy dress in two hundred cities across Europe protesting the global oil dependency and raising awareness of cycling advocacy. Its initial motive of acceptance of natural human body has still been existing though there was a shift towards simplifying the message on safer cycling since 2006. The dress code is bare as you dare.
Hike Naked Day or World Naked Hiking Day is unofficially observed on 21st June, falling on the summer solstice – the longest day of the year and the beginning of Summer in Northern Hemisphere. It is the day when clothes put off and body parts breathe freely. You don’t have to wait till the very day. You can find a non-popular trail and hike in a group on weekdays so that you don’t bump into any clothed hiker.
The second Saturday in July is known International Skinny Dip Day. It is observed on the second Saturday in July since 2018.Taking a dip in nothing but your skin and feel refreshing gentle breeze caress your body in any form of water - sea, lake, dam, river, stream etc. Exposing body to the sun helps to absorb vitamin D as well. AANR (American Association for Nude Recreation) was the first to celebrate this event. Amazingly some US presidents liked to kick off their day to swim with birthday suit such as John F. Kennedy, John Quincy Adams, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Andrew Jackson and Joe Biden.
World Naked Kitchen Day
After decades of dominance status in naturism from the West, the first Asian naturist organization, Nature Wellness Society has voiced out the concept of World Naked Kitchen Day and seek for the support from International Naturist Federations. Amazingly, it has happened in Malaysia. Nobody could expect it would come true.
Here is the WNKD concept.
“Working at home can be fun with family members or friends together. No sticky clothes but relaxed with a freeing act. Let go of your inhibitions and look right on more natural connection with your body and the food. You become enraptured in the art of cooking and appreciate it with a new profound sense of free-body awareness with the food you eat— the result pronounced to more enjoyable sights, smells, tastes and sounds that tantalize your taste buds. It is believed that the one who knows cooking is the one who appreciate life as a work of art. To get more people and members of family to participate in the activity, let's make it happen on the first Sunday of August.”
This is the contribution to the naturism of Worldwide from Nature Wellness Society Malaysia. We hope our voice can be heard and supported globally by all naturists and federations.
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