Open House on World Naturist Day

Barefeet Naturist Resort followed on Sunday 4 June the suggestion from Naturist Association Thailand to mark the World Naturist Day with an open house event. The resort had distributed invitations to local people in the vicinity to come inside to see and hear what naturism in Thailand is all about.

Outside, the guests were greeted by one of the Japanese flags that were at first displayed at NATCON. Two roll up banners - one with a map of Thailand showing all the naturist business partner resorts of NAT and their locations, was also on display.

Inside, the resort had put up the other Japanese flag along with two posters about naturism in Thai langauge and the posters promoting the three resorts that participated in the tourism exhibition in 2019.

The resort had distributed fliers in the local area to call attention to the event. The resort had also pasted a poster inside the local 'sawng taew' soi bus, and NAT had sponsored a boost of the event on Facebook targeting people interested in health and wellness within a ten kilometer radius of the resort.

In the morning session starting at 10 o'clock, six people participated. They were told the story how naturism in Thailand started in 2007 with the registration of the association as a legal entity. They heard how the number of paying members went up until Covid and how the nine naturist resorts at that time slumped down to six.

Now things are looking bright again for naturism in Thailand. NAT has grown back to close to 700 member with 254 members being Thai nationals and the rest evenly shared between other ASEAN nationalities and various western nationalities.

Eventually, three of the participants joined as members and got out of their clothes to enjoy the lifestyle.

The afternoon session saw only three participants but the intimacy of that session compensated fully for the fewer numbers.

At 2 pm, the Open Day came to an end and Barefeet Naturist Resort  hosted a BBQ dinner for the regular members and the newbies all together.


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NATCON 2019 from 3. -5. May 2019

The 8th Annual International Naturist Conference in Thailand takes place in the 1st weekend in May 2019. This world naturist event saw last time 110 naturists from 19 different countries come together to meet other naturists, discuss the future of naturism in Asia and have fun doing sports and other activities. At NATCON 8 we expect 150 people or more to attend. Accommodation in private rooms is luxurious compared to all previous years! Pre-Natcon events will take place at all 6 naturist resorts in Thailand. As always, NATCON is strictly a members-only event.
