The issue with socalled sex-positive naturism

I like the last part of this blog post:

God created us nude. It was not designed to cause arousal. In fact, we were nude long before there was a need to have sex for procreation. Unless we need protection from the environment, we are actually meant to be nude. Clothing interferes with some of the human body’s systems and actually can be detrimental to health- physical, mental, and even spiritual. Nudity was, and should still be, commonplace. There is simply nothing inherently sexual about it.

I honestly believe that the false modesty of clothing is the greatest cause of people viewing simple nudity as arousing. When genitals are only exposed FOR sex, then they come to automatically represent sex WHENEVER they are in view. If genuine nudism was more common, I believe the porn industry would fail or come close to it!

Now… about those “sex-positive” nudist blogs-

The fact of the matter is nudism did not come from sex.

Nudism and sex are NOT inherently related to each other.

Yes, sex is natural. However it has no place in nudism. There are many things that are natural that have no place in nudism.

“Sex-positive” tends to be code for porn.

When I run across the “sex-positive” blogs, they always include eroticism/pornography and use the same argument to justify it; i.e.- sex (or erections) = natural and thus should be celebrated and included. Uh… No.

They use this “natural” argument as a means of trying to bring some legitimacy to their position. They try to pass blatantly sexual behavior off as simple nudism. When they are called out on this, they defend their position by claiming anyone who doesn’t like to include sex in nudism is denying how natural it is. This allows them to call themselves “nudists” and label their behavior as “nudism” instead of calling it what it really is - pornography, swinging, exhibitionism, voyeurism, etc.

So what’s the problem?

They are falsely equating nudism with sex. They are linking them together and reinforcing that link.

When a solitary nudist or a textile interested in nudism see’s that, he or she may get the impression that a majority of nudists think that way. This may cause them to never reach out to other nudists, never visit a resort, and even feel ashamed of their own nudity even though it is not arousing for them.

When a textile see’s these “sex-positive” blogs, it just reinforces their assumption that nudists are perverts and nudism is all about sex, swinging, orgies, partner swapping, etc.

THAT in turn makes it more difficult for real nudism to be accepted. It also lends itself to another problem, and that is the exclusion of family. When one presents nudism as being a sexual lifestyle, one is also creating an atmosphere that requires precluding nudist families. As a result, more and more people see nudity of any kind as automatically sexual.

This in turn shapes laws, corporate policies, etc. Just look at tumblr- more porn than one could ever view in a single lifetime and those blogs remain. But when genuine nudists try to promote family friendly non sexual nudism, they get banned. Why? Because tumblr either sees nudism as an “adults only” sexual lifestyle or they don’t want the hassle of constantly having to defend non-pornographic nude images. And it’s not just tumblr. Most websites that allow any kind of nude images have similar policies.

Why did this happen? Because we, the real nudists of the world, have allowed the perverts to sully the image of nudism with sex and pornography. Because we sat silently by while they taught the world that nudity is all about sex, not about simply being normal and natural. We let them define nudism because we didn’t want to get into a debate. We didn’t want to get involved. We figured to let them have their perverted part of the internet and simply exclude them from our genuine nudism and nudist sites. That has backfired in the worst way.


The same way the gross misbehavior of some single male nudists backfired on all single male nudists. Nudism is being viewed more and more frequently as a sexually based lifestyle. Thus, this erroneous stereotype is being applied more and more often to ALL nudists. Nudism is being linked to sex, and the more “sex-positive” junk that is out there to be seen, the stronger that link becomes. This results in more and more restrictions upon nudism.

These “sex-positive” folks are creating a bad image, a stereotype that is being applied to all of us.

We are being punished for the actions of others who falsely claim their sexual behavior is representative of nudism. We are allowing this to happen.

Step up.

Assert the principals of genuine nudism.

Engage in being an active defender of genuine nudism… or sit back and watch it disappear. Sit back and allow you and your nudist family, friends, etc. be labeled as perverts when in reality you are far from that.

Don’t be an entitled lazy nudist and expect everyone else to do it for you. Step up and help… many hands make light work!

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